Stage action to assign tasks to specific users
Jenni Saniuk
Is there any update on this process?
Veronika Makarova
Roman Tikonov
It would be extremely useful to be able to automatically create follow-up tasks (and assign them to some user) when the candidate moves to a certain pipeline stage.
Chelsea Ciolli
Agreed this would be very useful
Kerry Malone
Agreed - also be able to tag different members of the hiring team like point of contact, panel interview etc.
Silia Holman
Would be great!
Jason Coppage
This will be a game changer for us. How soon will it be in development?
Keysha Rolon
Merged in a post:
Customizable Stage Actions and combination with Tasks
Özge Karpuz
I would like to give an example; let's say the pipeline stage is "Interview". I'd like to have a Customized Stage action and name it "Follow up tasks". Then attach several tasks underneath for this Stage action such as confirm the date, request a badge, etc. In this case, we won't need to type the tasks for each candidate again and again.
Keysha Rolon
Merged in a post:
Feedback stages trigger TASKS!!!
Nicholas E Veira
Erik Fantasia
Would also be very useful to be able to use the API to create/update tasks.
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