Need flag for repeat IDEAL or DO NOT RECRUIT candidates
under review
Vicki at IO in ATL
Please add a flag that can be visible in the candidate's pipeline view if a candidate has been previously flagged as an IDEAL candidate or a candidate that we have deemed DO NOT RECRUIT. This way, the recruiter knows immediately if an IDEAL or a DO NOT RECRUIT candidate applies for a subsequent job. That information should be readily visible in the pipeline view. Just allow us to click an icon for IDEAL or DO NOT RECRUIT on a candidate's record, and then every time that candidate applies for another job, that icon will be visible in the pipeline.
Barry Williams
under review
Not a full solution to the requested features, but we do have an admin feature to block candidates that prevents a candidate from appearing in the applied stage for any jobs and puts a banner on their profile. It uses email to identify them.
Keysha Rolon
Merged in a post:
Flag in pipeline for Do Not Recruit candidates
Vicki at IO in ATL
We need some kind of flag, like the current tabs that show in the pipeline view that indicate this candidate is also found in a specific POOL. We keep our best candidates in one pool and then also candidates that we will never likely place in another pool. When one of these candidates applies, it would be great if there could be a flag on that record indicating they are in also in a POOL. (I know that this is in Other Places, but I'm looking for a flag or icon that would show up in the pipeline, like a red tab for those in the Do Not Recruit pool.
Andrea Baca
This would be great!
Shenaid H - PARC Engineering
This would be so beneficial!
By Appointment Africa
Like this idea! I'm more worried about the DO NOT RECRUIT flag. A red light would be enough to fulfill this requirement.
Vicki at IO in ATL
Marina: I agree! For two years, I have to daily download all the email addresses of new candidates and run them through a sifter to flag any that have previously been marked as DO NOT RECRUIT. While it is keeping my Google Sheets skills sharp, it is time consuming and should be a regular feature IMO. Thanks for the upvote!
Richard Harper
In addition if someone is ineligible for Rehire, automatically send a notice if they apply again, once the Disqualified for Non Rehire is clicked.