Name Capitalization Parsing Improvements
Sharon Pinto
Facing the same issue, resumes are not getting parsed. We have to manually update the details of the candidate. Please fix this as soon as possible.
Barry Williams
We no longer parse name or email to guarantee they are accurately entered. We also have a new parsing vendor going live at the end of the month that should improve other aspects of parsing.
Roman Tikonov
Name parsing does not work properly!
CV parsing is an essential feature of any ATS, and it has to work well to be competitive to other recruiting systems.
If CV content is not parsed, it will not be searchable in breezy - huge downside, as the candidate database is useless without working search.
Please fix this as soon as possible.
Barry Williams
under review
We modified the parser to stop parsing names for now as there were too many issues with proper names, formatting and other items. We are exploring other vendors to help with better parsing for the future.
Barry Williams
We are modifying the parser soon to improve this and other parsing gaps
Keysha Rolon
Merged in a post:
No fully capitalized first names.
Alasco | Recruiting Team
It would be nice if the first names would not be capitalzed, since they appear in automated Welcome Messages and it seems a bit unprofessional if the name in the E-Mail is full on capitalized
Keysha Rolon
Merged in a post:
Convert CANDIDATE NAME to Candidate Name
Tom Wood
We often get resumes that have the candidate's name in all caps. These are parsed as such and this leads to the candidate having their name in all caps in Breezy.
This means when we send templated emails to the candidate, they start "Dear JOHN," which looks a bit odd, rather than "Dear John,"
Can Breezy convert names automatically, if they are in all-caps, to be lowercase except for the initial letter of each word?
Don't change names that have mixed cases already (e.g. MacDonald).
James Eggett
This! I am constantly editing the candidate profile to retype their name as Candidate Name. It looks terrible when the questionnaire goes out automatically with CANDIDATE (first name in caps).
Rod Leland
I've been requesting this feature for ages. Hopefully this actually gains enough traction to have the Breezy folks take note it's still needed. See:
Anand Madhvani
Would be useful for us too, although some Kenyan names have apostrophes and capitalisation that could cause an issue
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