Multiple Positions to One Pipeline
Samiur Rahman
Samiur Rahman
Hi all, we do have functionality now to post a single job to up to five different locations via a single job posting.
Gurj Bhangal
Samiur Rahman Hey! Being able to post in multiple locations is great but I believe with this request we are hoping to have multiple positions that funnel into one pipeline.
Samiur Rahman
Gurj Bhangal: Hi Gurj thanks for commenting! Do you mind elaborating on the workflow that requires this for your team? Feel free to comment here or if you'd like to elaborate via our chat support, that would be fine too. As much detail as you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Rachel Welch
Samiur Rahman Sometimes we aren't sure exactly which title to use for a certain role so we experiment with several. Having a way for all of these applicants to be funneled into one place is much preferred than toggling back and forth between several. My company currently has the same role posted with different titles so this would help us out big time right now.
Samiur Rahman
Rachel Welch: Thank you for elaborating! Not going to lie, this is a very tricky proposition. There are numerous technical challenges for this in the platform, but additionally, many job boards discourage this as they consider it 'spamming' or trying to game their search algorithms. We'd have to tread a fine line here to avoid looking like we, as a partner of the job boards, are somehow aiding in this process. Not saying I don't understand your use case, I totally do. We'll think more about this and get back to you.
Rachel Welch
Samiur Rahman Appreciate the quick reply and info Samuir! We certainly want to maintain best practices and positive relationships with job boards. Will eagerly await an update from your team after you have time to consider.
Cynthia Lawrence
This would be fabulous if you are hiring for one position but it is flexible in terms of working in the US or Canadian facility.
Andrew Platt
Currently we open multiple positions with names that might be more easily understood by candidates and then go in every few days and move candidates from the cloned positions to the main one so we only have one pipeline. It is far from optimal!
Konrad Wojciechowski
Great idea!
Barry Williams
under review
Are they really different positions or the same job in multiple locations?
Caroline Hottle
Barry Williams: Mine are the same position in multiple locations
Barry Williams
Caroline Hottle: That makes sense. We are researching adding multiple positions and locations to jobs for the roadmap this year. I think that makes more sense than a single pipeline for different job profiles as long as it meets the needs of most companies.
Lauren Webb
Barry Williams: Mine too are the exact same job in multiple locations.
Barry Williams
Lauren Webb: Thank you for sharing!
Steve Solem
Barry Williams: All of our postings are for the same job in multiple locations too, and it would be great to have a pipeline view that showed everyone's stage regardless of the position location. Thanks!
Barry Williams
Steve Solem: Thank you for sharing also. Yes this would add multiple locations first then and position counts to jobs and you could assign a position to a location all on one pipeline.
Steve Solem
Definitely interested in the ability to do this!
Susannah Smith
Yes please
Susannah Smith
Yes please
Caroline Hottle
That would be great!
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