Disable Share Candidate
Samiur Rahman
Samiur Rahman
under review
Samiur Rahman
Merged in a post:
Ability to adjust expiration date of share candidate link
Reagan Clift
Standard within Breezy is that the share candidate link will expire within 7 days. Customer would like to be able to adjust this to a longer window of time. Ideally for them, 21 days. But, would love options to pick from when sending.
Beka Cashmer
Too funny, I went to search for a feature request to upvote or create if needed about this, and see it's been a need of ours for awhile! Re-commenting to hopefully boost...
Janne Anttila
Alternatively, could you provide extra security on top of the anonymous link? Such as "People in your org" with authentication can access the link.
Kalen Colcolough
We have multiple candidates we are trying to interview as well! It would be awesome to have more than 7 days as we are coordinating so many individuals!
Beka Cashmer
This feature would really help make our process run way more efficiently!