Customized reportings
Julia Schulz
It would be helpful to create reporting based on different attributes one can chose from to customize them for themselves. For instance currently one cannot get any reportings from sources and how well their work. Meaning not only seeing how many people applied through them quantitive wise but how many people one hired through different sources, so more qualitative wise.
Keysha Rolon
Hi all!
The Ad hoc Reporting Add-on is currently live in beta and available to customers on Pro plans.
Please reach out to your account manager or our support team if you're interested!
More info here:
Keysha Rolon
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Disqualified candidates by stage
Chloe Paramatti
It will be useful to see at which stage a candidate has been disqualified, and see it in the reporting as well
Tatiana Khamina
+ 1 on this . when could we expect these reports available?
Keysha Rolon
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custom reports
Deirdre Coluntino
Daniela Bachmann
+1 on this one! I would appreciate building my own report with the data I am interested in to use for internal reporting purposes.
Kwik Lok Human Resources
Ditto to everything shared. One of my primary reasons for using Breezy was to increase diversity in my hiring pipeline, but the EEO data doesn't attach to final disposition, so I still can't see how my diversity percentages change from application to interview to hire. This would be very helpful.
Val Serra
OMG, please do this. In Greenhouse, whenever you disqualify a candidate you are able to select the reason why this happened and these are customized and appear in reports. That is great for hiring intelligence reports.
Looking forward to see it ready.
Jeff Lord
Hi, I just wanted to check and see if you knew whether this would be deployed to production this year or if that would potentially be 2022. We are shopping for an ATS and this is a critical feature.
Jesse Wilson
Coming Soon...Advanced Reporting
Advanced reporting expands on Breezy’s current report offerings by letting you build and customize your own reports. Use the data that’s most relevant to you to create the very best analysis. The possibilities are endless!
Let us know you’re interested at the link below and we’ll follow up when early access is available.
Jesse Wilson
Merged in a post:
Reports for tags or manually added sources
Farmers Insurance ~ District 13 (Garrett Sadusky)
Would really love to be able to see reports on these so we can know how each source is performing
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