Add reply option to emails to candidates
Sydney Edman
It doesn't look like it sends a thread though. Is that right?
Asher Primrose
You can Reply to an email in the beta view, but still can't see the thread. So the reply to the candidate looks like a one off email to them, they can't see what you were replying to.
Asher Primrose: Hi! Yes, this canny is about a reply option, not about viewing the thread.
in progress
If you use the Beta Candiate Profile found in your User Settings, you'll see this there.
Jessica: where? I've been using the beta
Recruiter: In the message below you'll see a "Reply" button on candidate messages.
When you use that, the subject and recipients will automatically be added to the response:
Sakib Mirza
Basic necessity I think.
Elva Stainthorp
email thread, email thread, email thread! :)
Sydney Edman
Cannot stress enough how helpful it would be to have a string of emails rather than each email coming as a one-off. It would also probably help the (very frequent) number of our emails that get sent to spam..
Justin Lynn
Sydney Edman: To second this, we have also had multiple candidates report having emails sent to spam recently using the default Breezy HR subject line.
under review
Miranda Peel
It would include the message history, so you can reply to a question they have asked, and they can see the email they sent to me as well as the reply I am sending back.
Hi! Trying to understand what this "reply" button would do for you that the compose button doesn't?
Patrick R. Holland
Jessica: Compose does not include the email thread when corresponding back and forth with a candidate. Each email from Breezy is a unique, disjointed message.
Nina Ruddeck
Jessica: We also use different e-mail subjects for different communications that without the reply function always have to manually be added as "Re: ..."
excellent recruitment Onboarding Team
Jessica: Also, with "reply" you could also CC / BBC in additional emails into conversations with candidates.
excellent recruitment Onboarding Team Nina Ruddeck thanks! This is very helpful.
Patrick R. Holland: Thank you!
Ksenia Baranova
and we then also need to remember the email subject, since now you can´t see the sbuject at all after the mail was sent
Johannes Kersjes
Jessica: Additionally to what everyone else has been saying (which applies to us as well), not only do we have to remember our own subject from before, but when a candidate e-mails us concerning his application but without replying to one of our e-mails, we don't see the subject line, they have used.
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