Ability to reschedule interviews made via scheduling links
Dylan Maki
Any update on this? This is becoming my biggest headache.
Christa Margossian
This was requested back in 2019?? We've just started using the links and cannot say enough how we need the ability to reschedule and/or change interviewers.
Mike Glass
Hi everyone! We have a couple of (very popular!) feature requests that have to do with the Scheduling Links functionality, so we are carefully planning out our next steps in how to implement them. I'll keep everyone informed in these threads as to when they can expect to see these features released. Thanks for your patience!
Meghan Almond
It would be nice if we could give the candidate an easy way to cancel or reschedule their interview. From what I see in testing the candidate view, they don't have an obvious way from the confirmation emails to do this. Which makes it more manual back and forth due to needing to email the person the interview is with to let them know they need to reschedule.
Barry Williams
Veronika Makarova
Barry Williams: Looking forward to seeing that in the release
Barry Williams
Merged in a post:
Editable scheduling link meetings
Jesse Wilson
Would love the ability to edit meetings scheduled via scheduling links as opposed to cancelling and rescheduling.
Jennifer Allen
I have had the same issue and it confuses the applicant because the see it canceled then rescheduled, where it could be a lot cleaner! I am able to do this when I have more then one person on the invite, but if its just me, I can't edit and add other attendees to the invite!
The Hiring Team
Agreed. I'd like to be able to ADD in and modify the interviewers attending, which is currently not available using scheduling links.
Quite often we need to swap interviewers at a moment's notice AND slide the interview back or forward during the day slightly if problems should arise.
It would be great to do this from an EDIT MEETING button, not cancelling and scheduling a meeting the long way.
Tanya M. Williams
This would be an amazing feature to have, would save a lot of time for candidate to resolve this issue without having to talk to someone!
Clayton G
Anyone know what the status of this is?
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